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SEO for Professional Service Businesses: Skyrocket Your Business with the Right Keywords

Are you wondering why your website isn’t bringing in more clients? You’re not alone. You could have the best services in the world, but you’re missing out big time if people can’t find you online.

The Importance of SEO

Let’s start simple. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. In everyday language? It’s what makes your business pop up first when someone types a query into Google. Imagine you’re a lawyer. A potential client types “best divorce lawyer near me,” and boom! There you are, at the top of the list.

According to BrightEdge, a whopping 68% of online experiences start with a search engine. You read that right—almost 7 out of 10 people start their journey online with Google or another search engine.

Why Keywords Matter

So, how does Google decide who gets that coveted top spot? Keywords. These are the words people type into the search bar. You must sprinkle these words throughout your website so Google knows what you’re all about.

But don’t go crazy! Google’s smart. If you stuff your page with the word “lawyer,” it’ll catch on, and you could get penalized. The key is balance.

  • Strategic Placement: Use keywords in the title, headings, and first 100 words of your content.
  • Variation: Use different forms of your keyword. If you’re a CPA, don’t just use “accountant.” Mix in phrases like “tax services” or “financial advisor.”

The Secret Sauce: Long-Tail Keywords

What if I told you that specificity could be your secret weapon? Instead of just “lawyer,” how about “family law attorney in New Orleans?” These specific phrases are called long-tail keywords.

  • Less Competition: Fewer people are gunning for these specific phrases.
  • Higher Conversions: Someone searching that specifically is more likely to need your services.

How to Find Your Perfect Keywords

Ready to dig in? Here’s how you find the words that’ll make you rank.

  1. Competitor Analysis: See what keywords your competitors use. Tools like SEMrush can help.
  2. Google’s Suggestions: Type your basic keyword into Google and check out the “related searches” at the bottom of the page.
  3. Keyword Tools: There are tons of tools out there like Google Keyword Planner which can show you what people are searching for.

Tracking Your Progress

You’ve got your keywords. Now what? Time to track how they’re doing.

  • Google Analytics: A goldmine of data. See how people are finding your site and what keywords are driving traffic.
  • Monthly Checks: SEO isn’t a one-time thing. Make a habit of checking your keywords every month.

Let’s Take Action!

You’ve got enough on your plate managing tasks, hiring, and looking to scale to the next level. Why add SEO to the mix when we’ve got you covered? When you work with us, SEO setup is built into every custom web design we deliver. This includes:

  • Keyword Research: We give you a head start by finding the best keywords to get you found online quicker
  • Google Analytics: Know where your traffic’s coming from and what keywords are making you shine.
  • Google Search Console: Shows your website’s health and performance.
  • Page Speed Testing: Nobody likes a slow website, and yes, speed impacts your Google ranking.

If you’re serious about not just having a website but having a website that works, let’s talk. Schedule a complimentary consultation to see if we’re a great fit to work together. Click here,, to book a consultation.